Friday 23 September 2016

Ten reasons to love love love Autumn

Happy Friday :)

Brown leaves and Halloween spider costume. Autumn at it's best!

Yesterday, summer ended.  You may be feeling a little sad to say goodbye to the season that offers light nights/mornings, beer garden trips, family BBQ's, camping fun, festivals, holidays, the smell of freshly cut grass and the sound of icecream vans. But wipe your eyes and fear not. Autumn has officially arrived and here are my top ten reasons why I love love love it.

1/ Comfort food is back. Ditch the salad, dig out the slow cooker and say yes to treacle sponge & custard.

2/ Big, warm, snuggly clothes for those fabulous Autumn walks, where the sun shines brightly whilst the coldness nips.

3/ Waxing and toe nail painting can be put on hold.
4/ You have 8 months to get your body ready for next summer.  

5/ Bonfire night- a massive fire, explosions in the sky with loads of sugar loaded food. What more could you possibly want?

6/ Halloween- Buying loads of  'trick or treat' treats and no one calling so you have a years supply of miniature chocolate bars, result.

7/ Cosy nights in.

8/ On Sunday 30th October clocks go back giving you an extra hour in bed. Or if you have kids an extra hour to enjoy with them ;)

9/ Warm, fluffy towels. Hello Radiators!


10/ Christmas preparations.

Anything I've missed? Would love to hear what you love about Autumn x

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