Friday, 24 March 2017

The Ultimate Mothers Day Guide For Dads

Happy Friday :)

Love to all you Mummies :)

Below is a simple guide for all Dads who want to show that they know what their woman wants and is very much loved and appreciated. Or at the very least can read and follow instructions.

Mother's Day is once a year and even if she says don't make a fuss, believe me make a fuss. However, women with small children are easily pleased. Think undisturbed visits to the toilet, making it out if the house without any chewed food or body fluids on our clothes. You get the picture.

Here are 5 simple steps (in my opinion) to ensuring the Mother of your off spring has a tremendous day and at the same time bag yourself several brownie points for any treats you might like ;)

1/ Pre Mother's Day Treat
If your little one is still waking during the night get prepared and take control. On Saturday treat your Mrs to a full nights sleep or at least spare her having to get out of bed (as she will be awake anyhow). If you want to really up your game allow her to comment on your middle of the night parenting techniques, whilst smiling and say; "Yes dear I'll try that next time"

Daddy Cool

2/ Be Chief Kiddie Carer 
So after step 1 you may feel a little tired but do not disclose this. Remember, your other half lives this the other 364 days a year so suck it up and when those darlings spring out of bed leave her tucked in. So now you have the next 12 hours (or more!) to be in control. You sort out the arguments, you change the nappies, you entertain. Warning: even though you've been enthusiastically making balls of playdoh for the last three hours the minute your attention wanders they'll be over to mum in a heart beat saying you're not playing. Keep focused and off facebook.
Toot toot construction team with Dad supervising
3/ Let Her Brain Rest
Give her a break from the continuous working mummy brain of planning, sorting, arranging, deciding, choosing. It's down to you what you'll be doing, eating, playing and don't ask her. Just do it and watch the amazement (and confusion) unfold.

4/ Let Her Body Rest
With all the above going on she won't be doing much anyhow but how about suprising her with her favourite magazine, cuppa tea and chocolate bar. Then casually let her know you're just taking the kids out to the park/duck pond (sit in the car if you must) for an hour while she can relax. Again, watch the amazement unfold. Whatever you do DO NOT come home early, in fact tell her you'll be an hour and throw in an extra 30 minutes...Bliss.

Bath & Baileys anyone?
5/ Feed her
Going out to eat with small children isn't always the best option. So as long as you sort the food (and kids) staying home could be much more relaxing and fun. Get the kids to help prepare it so if it isn't great she can't really complain and don't forget dessert!!!! Even if she's on a diet it's treat day and it's her choice whether she wants it or not. Might want to cancel that table at the local 'screaming kids, queuing for an hour' Carvery...

This is breakfast, definitely not what you should be serving up for dinner.

Ps. DO NOT forgot a card and simple gift (bunch of flowers, box of chocolates, bottle of prosecco) or as unfairly as it may seem all the above will become nil and void.

Pps. Apologies for the above but we are complicated creatures.

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