Friday, 10 June 2016

Keeping it Real

Happy Friday :)

Unflattering angle, no filters, no poses, no second takes, no warning. Just real, how we are, how we look, how we live. (Although I'm not always in my swimming costume pouring Prosecco) Don't get me wrong I love a flattering angle and to be honest felt a tiny bit sick posting this. But I think we've all become a little too selective. Photographs use to be spontaneous, reflecting the moment. A week later you saw how they looked, good or bad. Life has become somewhat staged now, filtered and manipulated to only show our best bits.

Being a mum with small children I have little room or motivation in my life for vanity. Hearing the office girls discuss their regimes for a night out is now not just hours of beautifying but days. Spray tans, fake nails (and toes), false eyelashes finished off with a visit to Mac. Entering mumsy mode I implore them not to. I truly believe they look better without a £30 Mac mask, spider eyelashes and orange bods. On Facebook there's a ton of make up artists promoting their skills with before & after shots. Some of it is scary viewing. Arguably verging on deception & fraud as the transformation is so staggering their own mum would fail to recognise them. Just be warned, what you like tonight you might not recognise in the morning. I wonder what drives this generations love of looking so different from who they really are? Geordie Shaw, Ex on the Beach, The Kardashians may be a good place to start. All obsessed with the external and shamelessly so.

Maybe I'm forgetting what it's like to be young. Reminiscing with foggy goggles 27 years on. I do remember wanting less freckles and more boob (Baywatch influence). But I'm pretty sure real was still the norm. Fakeness was reserved for mocking on Eurotrash and The Word. I know I'm treading dangerously in old fogey territory. I know times change but it makes me a little sad that pouting selfies from over made up faces have taken over the world.

So raise a glass with me tonight to less is more, pale and interesting rules and keeping it real!


  1. I love this. Your pic definitely got my attention and I agree, this is just real life!

  2. Thanks very much. Think loads of us can identify with this!! Take a look at
    Think you'll like that one too :)
